"I Segreti di Sgaravatti" - La semina dei fagioli

I fagioli sono tra le piante più coltivate e consumate in Italia. Basti pensare che esistono in commercio più di 500 varietà diverse.

Per elencare solo alcune delle più importanti qualità dei fagioli, essi hanno importanti proprietà nutrizionali, grazie alle fibre di cui sono ricchi e che facilitano la digestione. Sono, inoltre, un'ottima fonte di proteine, carboidrati complessi, ferro e folato.

Tutte queste qualità ne fanno uno degli alimenti più consumati in Italia.

Voi li avete mai coltivati?

Con la nostra nuova rubrica "I Segreti di Sgaravatti", vedremo come procedere con la semina degli ortaggi, scegliendo il periodo migliore e preparando l'orto nel migliore dei modi.

In questo video in particolare, ci occuperemo appunto della semina dei fagioli borlotti e di tutte le operazioni da eseguire per avere degli ottimi risultati.

Buona Visione!


La semina di Luglio per l'orto autunnale

Preparare in anticipo e con le dovute attenzioni l'orto per l'autunno è fondamentale per avere un raccolto di qualità. 
Oggi gli amici del blog Supertranquillo parlano di noi nel loro video!
Nell'episodio spiegheranno come preparare la semina dell'orto in autunno e, in particolare, come suddividere i semi da piantare in terra, da quelli da piantare nel semenzaio.
Guardiamo il video e scopriamo come hanno impiegato al meglio i nostri semi Sgaravatti!

Quali varietà di sementi orto seminare a Luglio nell'orto?

What varieties of vegetable seeds to sow in July in the garden?

July, summer and vegetable seeds do not seem words that are easily linkable, because both those who have never done any gardening and those who have a vegetable garden but are still amateurs probably think that sowing temperatures start to be extremely high is useless.

Parassiti e malattie dell'orto

Garden pests and diseases

Serious diseases are not common in the vegetable garden, especially if it is well cared for, and you probably won’t have to deal with anything more serious than an invasion of plant lice or a minor case of downy mildew or blight.
Sementi biologiche per l'orto: perché sceglierle per il tuo spazio verde

Organic seeds for the vegetable garden: why choose them for your green space

Organic seeds have been for years subject of initiatives aimed at promoting its usage both inside home gardens and intensive production aimed at selling. In fact, even in organic agriculture there is always the possibility of employing conventional seeds and consequently, the products cannot be considered biologically certified.

Semina prato: come scegliere il tappeto erboso più adatto alle tue esigenze

Lawn sowing: how to choose the turf that best suits your needs

The turf in the garden is a great solution both from a practical and aesthetic point of view: In fact, it allows you to filter rainwater, absorb it in the soil and channel it, so that it can be collected from underground water tables. In this way you can avoid the formation of mud and water stagnation.

Poco spazio per l'orto quali varietà sono da privilegiare

Little space in the vegetable garden, which varieties are to preferred

Planting vegetable seeds is a solution that is becoming more and more popular in the latest years: in fact, it allows to have fresh vegetables and greens of which the cultivation techniques are shared and at the same time, making our own garden or window sill more beautiful.

Come coltivare lo scalogno: in vaso e nell'orto

How to grow shallots: in pots and in the garden

The bulb is similar to the onion, and the plant too, the umbrella inflorescences and taste are very similar. But the shallot is not an onion. It is without a doubt less common, more delicate and finer than onions, with which it shares a family, that of Liliaceae or - according to its current classification - the Amaryllidaceae.

Semi di papavero: segni particolari e utilizzi in cucina

Poppy seeds: particular signs and uses in the kitchen

Red, pink and sometimes white poppy flowers, are seen everywhere for a few weeks in mid-spring. They are light, and move swaying at the slightest breeze and their color makes you think of the sun’s light and heat during nice days. They don’t need a lot of humidity, they can be found in an open field but they grow well - spontaneously - even on neglected and uncultivated grounds, along the side of the street and even near train tracks.

Semi di zucca: caratteristiche e benefici di questa varietà da Orto

Pumpkin seeds: characteristics and benefits of this vegetable variety

The common idea is that the fruit is sweet while vegetables are not. Because of this, some cannot stand the flavor of pumpkin because it is considered weird compared to the type of food, while naturally it is just that that makes these vegetables so special and constitute part of why people enjoy them. In fact, their high sugar level and their particular consistency make it a perfect ingredient for side dishes and savory dishes but also for sweet recipes. Pumpkin seeds can also be used as a snack to much on, you can offer them as food to guinea pigs and birds, or even use them as decoration for some DIY projects.

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