Turf species
Cynodon - Gramigna Gentile (Capriola grass) - Pelleted 55%
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Festuca Arundinacea - Olimpic Gold Intense green - Titan
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Red Fescue Commutata - Casanova - Tatjana - Calliope
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English ryegrass - Ponderosa - Sgaravatti exclusive
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How were the turf species selected? By drawing on grass seeds and in particular on forage crops, which species usable for the formation of a turf have been chosen.
With a meticulous work of research and experimentation, aimed at enhancing in each species those specific characteristics most suitable formation of the turf, varieties with characteristics particularly suitable for the purpose have been selected in recent years. The determination of the value of a "variety per turf" is based on the evaluation of the following fundamental characteristics:
- overall aesthetic aspect: gives an appreciation of the uniformity of coverage;
- fineness of the leaf: refers to the width of the leaf;
- leaf color: with reference to the intensity of green color in spring;
- turf density: indicates the state of coverage of the year following sowing;
- resistance to foot traffic and wear resistance;
- disease resistance (Red thread, Rust, Helmintosporiosis, Fusariosis)
- summer look: the ability to keep the color green under the summer heat;
- winter look: the ability to keep the green color in the winter frost;
- ease of adaptation: indicates the speed of settlement;
- permanence: persistence of the coverage over time.