Chili Pepper
Chilli Pepper Hungarian Yellow Wax Hot
Was €1,90 €1,33
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Hot pepper seeds
Sgaravatti offers a range of products entirely dedicated to chili peppers lovers. Each pepper seed has been classified according to the Scoville scale (from the least spicy to the most spicy); in fact these fruits contain different quantities of capsaicin which together with other substances called capsaicinoids, cause the burning sensation. The Scoville scale indicates the quantity of capsaicin contained within the fruit.
SCOVILLE SCALE It is the measurement scale of the "PICCANTENESS OF A CHILLI". These fruits of the CAPSICUM species contain capsaicinoids, in which the most abundant substance is CAPSAICIN, stimulator of heat receptors, also located on the tongue, responsible for the sensation of "burning". The number of Scoville units specified with the abbreviation SHU (Scoville Heat Unit) indicates the amount of capsaicin contained.