Come coltivare e curare la pianta aromatica dell'origano

How to care and grow the oregano aromatic plant

Oregano is a small aromatic plant that, depending on its variety, can be found as a shrub of reduced height or weed: it includes between 45 and 50 species all originated in the Mediterranean area. That can be easily explained with the fact that the plant belongs to the Mediterranean scrub and that rapidly and healthy develops in this climate. Oregano is part of the Lamiaceae family and amongst the most famous varieties there is common oregano and majorana oregano, also called majoran.

Bellis perennis: che cosa sono le bellis perennis?

Bellis perennis: What are bellis perennis?

Bellis perennis, better known as “common daisy” or “daisy”, is one of the most common flowers in all the European countries. The etymology of the name of this flower is very peculiar: some attribute it to one of the Danadis, daughters of Danaus king of Argo, or Bellide. According to others, instead, the etymology of the name bellis perennis, derives from the latin term “bellum”, which means war, thanks to the flower’s ability to heal battle wounds. Another option is that the name of the flower derives from the latin adjective “bellus”, which denotes its beauty.

Salvia pianta aromatica: utilizzo in cucina e proprietà curative

Sage aromatic plant: its use in cooking and its healing properties

Sage is an aromatic plant with an intense perfume: much like mint and thyme it belongs to the Lamiaceae family: its scientific name is salvia officinalis and it is the most common and known species of the sages group. It’s the one that is most commonly used in the kitchen.

Quanto sono importanti le fasi lunari semina nell'orto?

How important are the phases of the moon sowing in the vegetable garden?

The lunar phase has always conditioned agricultural activities, especially sowing.
Even today as in ancient times, the phases of the moon fascinate many scholars and, above all, arouse the attention of farmers. Their cyclical nature has particular characteristics and continuously determines different aspects relating to the sky.

Bocca di leone: manutenzione e consigli per la coltivazione

Snapdragon: maintenance and cultivation tips

Snapdragon (Antirrhinum majus) is a herbaceous plant native to Mediterranean countries, (North Africa and Southern Europe), widely used as a border, in the construction of hedges, or as coverage for rocky areas. This plant is able to endure temperatures of a few degrees below zero, but usually it’s cultivated as a yearly plant, it requires a few tricks to develop quickly and it has a fairly short span of life. It’s an ideal plant for novice gardening enthusiasts.
Segni particolari della Vinca e le sue caratteristiche

Particular signs of Vinca and its characteristics

Vinca is a group of species knows as “periwinkle” and they are native to the tropical area: its varieties are very different between each other and can be erect or creeping.

Caratteristiche e consigli per la cura e la coltivazione dell'Alyssum

Characteristics and advice for the care and cultivation of Alyssum

The rich and colorful flowering of Alyssum makes this plant suitable for growing in city gardens, to which you want to give a characteristic and lively touch. The herbaceous plant in jargon is called “Alisso” and is one of the most characteristic flowering plants that brings a considerable joy to our green turfs, in fact, not only creates beautiful flower bed, but if grown in large areas of land it can offer a surprising setting, because really colorful turfs and even borders to delimit some areas are formed.

Semi fiore facili da coltivare: quali sono le varietà più adatte al giardino

Easy to grow flower seeds: what are the most suitable varieties for the garden

There are infinite easy to grow seeds, divided in species and categories, first of all impatiens e nemesia: the first belonging to the Balsaminaceae family, it was reproduced and transformed into a hybrid in Holland, receiving great acclaim from critics for the result achieved. Being a much appreciated plant, when making ornaments, it found its place in many gardens, flower beds and estates all over Europe. These flower seeds can be found in our countryside with beautiful colors such as pink, red, purple, scarlet red, white and many others.

Utilizzi e proprietà curative della menta

Uses and healing properties of mint

Mint is a perennial herb of an intense and aromatic scent and flavor, with a pungent aftertaste. Widespread across Africa, Asia and Europe, it belongs to the Laminacee family and to grow it needs sunndy positions or at least to be only half in the shade; however, it has a great resistance to low temperatures.
Broccoli: benefici e proprietà di questa varietà da orto

Broccoli: benefits and properties of this vegetable variety

Much like rocket and cabbage, broccoli belongs to the “cruciferous” family and the most common variety is the green one. However, varieties that are all shades of purple exist too - from reddish to bluette - based on the quantity of anthocyanins present in them: amongst these Violetto di Sicilia cauliflower is recognised as an agri-food excellence. The part of broccoli that is used in the kitchen is not the leaves, but only the inflorescence not yet matured: even the stem can be used to prepare great pesto and condiments. Broccoli are particularly indicated for those who want to follow a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle, as they are rich in beneficial properties.

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