Semi fiore facili da coltivare: quali sono le varietà più adatte al giardino

Mother earth has given us thousands of flowers with bright colors to decorate the environment that surrounds us.

Easy to grow seeds

There are infinite easy to grow seeds, divided in species and categories, first of all impatiens e nemesia: the first belonging to the Balsaminaceae family, it was reproduced and transformed into a hybrid in Holland, receiving great acclaim from critics for the result achieved. Being a much appreciated plant, when making ornaments, it found its place in many gardens, flower beds and estates all over Europe. These flower seeds can be found in our countryside with beautiful colors such as pink, red, purple, scarlet red, white and many others.

The nemesia belongs to the Scrophulariaceae family, of African origins, it was introduced towards the end of the 19th century to embellish gardens all through Europe. The plant has a height of circa 40 centimeters with intense colored flowers, the peculiarity that distinguishes this plant is the production of assorted colors, similar to a floral composition.

Sowing techniques

Sowing techniques are more or less all the same, we start by soaking the flower seed in a carafe full of room temperature water (30°C circa) and are left in the water until they land on the bottom of the carafe. There is no precise time of use, it can happen that they all run off in a few minutes, or it can take several hours.

The bigger flower seeds take little time to run off, those who stay afloat are dead and sowing them is useless. The time needed for the flowers to stay inside the water depends on their size, the bigger the seed is, the more it has to stay in water. It’s possible to sow even without soaking them, but we might face incomplete humidification of the seed, that can generate a very weak germination.


Flower seeds can be planted in a greenhouse with a controlled temperature. Once they are germinating, after five leaves have sprouted, the seedlings can be transplanted in the garden or it’s also possible to directly plant them, which will require more care than normal. In both cases, it is essential to do an initial preparation of the soil, by mixing peat and natural sand to create the right drainage.

Direct planting

It is preferable to directly plant flowers during the spring months, when temperatures go from 10/15°C. Work the soil very well with the hoe and level it with the rake, so that you will achieve a smooth surface. We advise you to spread the seeds, accompanying you with the rake to create uniform zones. The sown soil must be kept humid until the complete germination.

Sprouting and growth

Once the sprouting starts, the plants need to be thinned by eliminating the weaker ones, so to have good lighting, for a healthy and balanced development.

Flower seeds in the nursery

The plants sown in the nursery are those who need more heath. This method permits the preparations of the seedlings in the months of January and February, when outside the temperature is very cold. With this system comes the advantage of finding large seedlings in spring: at that time you will need to transplant them in the garden.
We advise you to transfer them in singular pots so that you will be able to pick the best place to highlight the beauty of your garden.

Seeds from flowers harvested from our own garden

Flower seeds that are normally picked the previous year in your own garden are hybrids, so they will create plants with different colors to the one that produced them.
Therefore, it’s important to use quality seeds, if you are looking for a growth of flowers of the same color.
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August 23, 2019 — Alias Srl