How important are the phases of the moon sowing in the vegetable garden?
The lunar phase has always conditioned agricultural activities, especially sowing.
Even today as in ancient times, the phases of the moon fascinate many scholars and, above all, arouse the attention of farmers. Their cyclical nature has particular characteristics and continuously determines different aspects relating to the sky.
The influence of lunar phases in sowing has often conflicting opinions and fascinates experts in the agricultural field.
Before sowing a vegetable garden it is important to pay attention to some parameters and, especially, to the existent relationship between satellite and plant growth. The lunar phases are closely connected and, not taking them into account, means creating damages to this activity.
The most known lunar effect is the tide, meaning, the raising of vast quantities of water. All the liquids and, particularly the sap of the plants feel this movement. During these periods of full moon, it circulates with greater force thanks to the raising of the water which exerts a certain pressure. This event determines beneficial effects on the leaves, on flowers and fruits. The farmers who dedicate themselves to cultivation, not only for work but also for passion and love, know very well that if a plant has favorable conditions to be born and grow, it produces more. Such conditions are natural a respect lunar phases.
The action of lunar phases on sowing, is influential only if it is cultivated in an organic way. The use of fertilizers, hormones, pesticides and the diffusion of forced crops are not affected by the moon. Plants need a natural habitat that prevents their self destruction. When the moon is round, we are in the full moon phase. When the moon is not seen, instead, we are in the new moon phase. The lunar phases are never repeated in the same way over the years and this characteristic is carefully observed by scholars. Taking into account the moon phases, when sowing, is extremely important for those who intend to create a perfect vegetable garden.
Cultivation according to nature is the path followed by those who love nature
The right time to start cultivating coincides with the lunar activities. Rising and waning phases bring numerous benefits to crops. For example, for the cultivation of turnip and of potatoes the moon must be waning. For all the other vegetables that, on the contrary, grow above the land, the moon must be rising. The seed on the ground, in fact, during the crescent phase receives an energetic push that is needed in order to grow, develop and sprout its flower.
A plant must generate seeds, that is its job. The lunar phases during the sowing will create the right effect to reach said goal. Farmers know these rules and they respect them all through the year.
Knowing precisely when the right time to sow is, help us not make mistakes. The rising moon accelerates the vegetative process, therefore during the lunar phases of the sowing not all the vegetables can be grown. Seeds of tomatoes, zucchini, beans and of sweet peppers must be grown in a rising lunar phase so that they will blossom quickly. Vegetables such as beets, lettuce or chicory, instead, can be cultivated during the waning moon phase, as with the sprouting of flower their productive cycle is over.
There are exceptions, for which some vegetables are cultivated during the crescent moon instead of the waning one. Some rules are not followed like nature dictates but on this there are many contrasting opinions.
Basically, to create a vegetable garden sowing is always possible when the moon is rising. In the lunar phases of the sowing, several parameters are taken into account, however, to create a green space with flowers that do not have any food-related production constraints, the crescent moon has the best effect.