The sowing calendar
Every month you will be able to have under control the advice for sowing, transplanting, pruning and much more to take care of your vegetable garden and your garden!
Buy the printed version of thesowing calendar

What to sow in January
“Vigna al nuvolo fa debol vino” (cloudy vineyard makes weak wine)
Find out what to sow in January, the work to be done in the vineyard, in the cellar and everything there is to harvest in the garden.
What to sow in February
“Il vino nel sasso, il popone nel terreno grasso” (The wine in the stone, the melon in the fatty soil) .
Find out what to sow in February, the work to be done in the vineyard, in the cellar and everything there is to harvest in the garden.
What to sow in March
“Chi vuole un buon potato, più di un occhio e meno di un capo”(Who wants a good potato, more than an eye and less than a head).
Find out what to sow in March, the chores to be done in the vineyard, in the cellar and everything there is to harvest in the garden..
What to sow in April
“Vite in april potata, ha mai la sete al vignaiol levata” (vine in april pruned, never has quenched the thirst to the winemaker).
Find out what to sow in April, the work to be done in the vineyard, in the cellar and everything there is to harvest in the garden.
Wha to sow in May
“Chi ha vigna ha tigna” (whoever has a vineyard has stubbornness) .Find out what to sow in May, the chores to be done in the vineyard, in the cellar and everything there is to harvest in the garden.
What to sow in June
“Chi beve il vino prima della minestra, saluta il medico dalla finestra” (Whoever drinks wine before soup greets the doctor from the window).
Find out what to sow in June, the chores to be done in the vineyard, in the cellar and everything there is to harvest in the garden.
What to sow in July
“Se il grappolo è serrato, il vino è assicurato” (If the bunch is tight, the wine is insured).
Find out what to sow in July, the chores to be done in the vineyard, in the cellar and everything there is to harvest in the garden.
What to sow in August
“Chi dorme di Agosto, dorme a suo costo”(Those who sleep in August sleep at their cost).
Find out what to sow in August, the work to be done in the vineyard, in the cellar and everything there is to harvest in the garden.
What to sow in September
“Chi vuole tutta l’uva non ha buon vino” (Those who want all grapes don't have good wine).
Find out what to sow in September, the chores to be done in the vineyard, in the cellar and everything there is to harvest in the garden.
What to sow in October
“Di ottobre il vino nelle doghe” (In October the wine in the staves)
Find out what to sow in October, the chores to be done in the vineyard, in the cellar and everything there is to harvest in the garden.
What to sown in November
“Vin di un anno, pan di un giorno” (One year's wine, one day's bread)
Find out what to sow in November, the chores to be done in the vineyard, in the cellar and everything there is to harvest in the garden.
What to sow in December
“Quando il vino rende lieti non si tengono i segreti" (When wine makes you happy, secrets are not kept)
Find out what to sow in December, the chores to be done in the vineyard, in the cellar and everything there is to harvest in the garden.