What to plant in March

Sowing and Planting in the vegetable garden
In the seedbed, kept in a warm environment or under glass, the following are sown: basil, summer cabbage, aubergine, sweet pepper, tomatoes, celery.
In vasetto invece: watermelon, cucumber, melon, zucchini.
In March, is sown in the nursery: asparagus, artichoke.
During this month the following are sown and planted: peanuts, beetroot , chard, carrot, chicory, onion, beans, lettuce primaverili, dwarf pea, tomatoe, leek, parsley, turnip, radish, rocket, spinach, valerian, pumpkin.
Under tunnels the following are planted: watermelon, cucumber, melon, zucchini.
March is the ideal month for the planting of flower bulbs and of Spring onions and bulbs.All the seedlings available in your nursery or on the market can be transplanted.
Sowing and planting in the garden
In the seedbed, kept in a warm environment or under glass, the following are sown: ageratum, amaranth, asparagus, snapdragon, celosia, clarkia, coleus, cosmea, impatiens, lobelia, mesembryanthemum, petunia, primrose, sage, statice, marigold, verbena, zinnia.
The following are sown and planted: aster, calendula, convolvolus, chrysanthemum, digitalis, helichrysum, gypsophila, godetia, kokia, hypomea, nasturtium, phlox, sweet pea, purslane, scabiosa.
In March bulbs and rhizomes are planted of: acidanthera, agapanthus, amaryllis, begonias, calla lilies, dahlie, dicentra, gladioli, gloriosa, incarvillea, iris germanica, ismene, liatris, lilium, gloxinie, montbretia, nerine, peony, zephiranthes, tuberose.
In the garden, are transplanted: calendula, primrose, marigold all the seedlings available in your nursery or on the market.
It's the ideal month to plant rose bushes and shrubs.
Vegetable harvest
In the vegetable garde, in march, the following are harvested: artichoke, cauliflower, broad beans, leek, parsley, radish, spinach, valerian.
Chores in the vegetable garden and in the garden
Work the soil by breaking the surface crust. Fertilize and regenerate the lawn by re-sowing with the mixture“Renovator Mix”. Weed the flower beds to be ready to transplant the various species of seedlings. Complete the pruning. Tie the shoots of climbing plants to the stakes. Vines and olive trees are planted.
Treatments for the lawn
It's the ideal month tofertilize the lawn with fertilizers containing mainly nitrogen (N).
Treatments in the Orchard
In March, we are in the phase in which fruit trees such as pear, apple, peach tree have spread out bunches. It is advisable to treat against fungal diseases (Rameal cancers, Ticchiola tura, Peach leaf curl, Monilia) and against animal parasites (Cochineals, Aphids, Phyllominators).
Read the article on the importance of the moon phases in sowing: "How important are the phases of the moon for sowing in the vegetable garden?"
Chores in the vineyard
March is the real and appropriate time to prune the vines . The later you prune, the less damage the frost will cause. From pruning, the winemaker requires the maximum product, but also the longest conservation of the plants. Remember to sharpen the scissors and the hacksaw well. It is advisable to shoe cut so that moisture flows away from the wounds.
When pruning, remember to leave “always more than a bud, but always less than a branch”. Beware of caterpillars: these insects feed on the buds called "eyes". Hence the saying "The caterpillar blinds the vine". During the month of March, binding and mineral fertilizations must also be done.
Chores in the cellar
During March the "cuts" of the wines to be prepared for the subsequent bottling are done. Malolactic fermentation begins, a more than natural process of young wine that makes it more rounded and harmonious. Pay attention to the level of the vats and barrels; the first warm ones tend to increase the volume of the wine.
Carry out the appropriate draining.