Phacelia - Honey Plant


Things to know:

The facelia is an annual plant with an upright habit that can reach a meter in height. The stem is hollow. The pinnate leaves are covered with hair and resemble those of tansy (hence called tanacetifolia). The flower has a scorpioid inflorescence with ascalar flowering that lasts for several weeks, of a bluish-violet color. The five stamens and the two styles clearly emerge from the five-petaled flower. The inflorescence has the characteristic of being rolled up in a spiral, which makes it particularly beautiful, for which the Facelia is also used as a fresh and dried cut flower.
The role of bees is increasingly fundamental and topical in both hobby and professional agriculture. With this in mind, SGARAVATTI has created a range of honey plant seeds capable of nourishing the most useful insects in the world, "the bees". The cultivation of these seeds therefore represents an excellent help for both hobbyists and professionals and honey producers as well as being a formidable attraction for all the very useful insects for pollination in agriculture and fruit growing. The plant is cultivated all over the world as a melliferous species, easy to cultivate and self-re-seeding, that is, it reproduces with self-dissemination. For use as forage grass, mowing takes place at the end of flowering when the first flowers already begin to disseminate, so as to ensure re-sowing for subsequent harvests. In Italy it has also been used to produce the so-called "fasciato" or moist forage packed in an anaerobic environment where it is preserved thanks to a lactic fermentation. In many areas of central and southern Italy it serves above all as a green manure crop to fertilize the soil in a natural way as it yields large quantities of nitrogen to the soil. It also manages to prevent the growth of weeds by releasing particular chemicals that inhibit the growth of competing species.