Coriander - Honey Plant
Things to know:
Harvest in days from sowing: 60
Crop cycle: Annual
N. seeds per g: 90
Direct sowing: IV-VI
Plant height in cm: 50
Transplant or thinning: V-VII
Notes: The dried seeds are used for seasonings
Sowing depth in cm: 1
Distance between and on the row in cm: 50x20
The role of bees is increasingly fundamental and topical in both hobby and professional agriculture. With this in mind, SGARAVATTI has created a range of honey plant seeds capable of nourishing the most useful insects in the world, "the bees". The cultivation of these seeds therefore represents an excellent help for both hobbyists and professionals and honey producers as well as being a formidable attraction for all the very useful insects for pollination in agriculture and fruit growing.