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Cornflower - Honey Plant


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Things to know:

Crop cycle: Annual

N. seeds per g: 220

Direct sowing: IV-V

Plant height in cm: 90

Sowing in a warm bed: VIII

Transplant or thinning: I / V-VI

Flowering: V-VIII

Location in: Half shade, Full sun

Suitable for: Flowerbed, Cutting

Distance between plants in cm: 30

The role of bees is increasingly fundamental and topical in both hobby and professional agriculture. With this in mind, SGARAVATTI has created a range of honey plant seeds capable of nourishing the most useful insects in the world, "the bees". The cultivation of these seeds therefore represents an excellent help for both hobbyists and professionals and honey producers as well as being a formidable attraction for all the very useful insects for pollination in agriculture and fruit growing.