Most effective soil: how to pick the best product
Before starting, how can we define soil? What is its composition? And its origin? First of all, the soil is made up of earth rich in nutrients deriving from the decomposition of the vegetation of the woods. In it there are leaves and the like, clay, sand and gravel. All these components have their own characteristics which, combined with each other, in variable percentages, help to determine the specificity of a particular product.
As for gardening, depending on the destination, components have been assembled that are useful to achieve a specific purpose.
When it comes to "soil" not everyone knows that there are various types depending on their destination. Let's say that a good product is the result of an assembly of various components that contribute to providing nutrients and, not secondary, to favoring optimal drainage for plant growth.
About its composition, a good product must contain more than 50% of organic substances which are nothing but carbon transformed into nutrients.
Another important factor is degree of acidity or basicity of the compound. In general, plants prefer a soil with neutral pH, knowing that there are others that have a more satisfactory growth with a higher degree of acidity (hydrangeas and azaleas) and others with a higher degree of basicity (roses and carnations ).
From all this it is clear that the choice of a good soil is essential for the success of a plant. When buying a pack of soil you must carefully read its composition. There must be:
- peat which lightens it;
- a percentage of sand which makes the soil more permeable;
- compost, or the final result of the decomposition of vegetables, which serves to nourish the plant;
- clay, which helps retain humidity.
As you can see, the soil formed exclusively from peat is light, but not effective for a good growth of the plant.
The key thing when deciding to make such a purchase is to know its destination.
We have seen before that hydrangeas and azaleas (to which we can add gardenias and ficus) prefer acid soil while roses and carnations prefer a basic one. But it does not end there: citrus fruits need a loose and light soil rich in nutrients and above all that avoids stagnation of water, which is very harmful.
For roses, a light soil is needed in which humus guarantees high water retention. A different case is represented by succulents that prefer a mixture rich in sand which has the characteristic of draining excess water from the roots.
And if you have to make cuttings or sow, you need a different product: rich in sand and peat.
Another case is represented by orchids that grow well in soil rich in bark coming from the spruce.
Currently, targeted packs are on sale so, before buying, you must carefully read what has been printed on the pack in order to make a careful and effective choice.
From all this it is clear that the universe of soils is very large and you need to know something more about its composition to get good results with your plants. Of course, if one product is used instead of another, the plant does not die, but its growth is not satisfactory.
Any product you buy is sold in packages of various sizes not in kilograms but in liters.
Compost e Peat: what are they?
In the course of this discussion, two terms have been used several times that represent as many important aspects: compost (humus) and peat. What are they? What is their origin?
The first is the result of the transformation of plant and animal parts. This transformation occurs in nature, but can be artificially induced by man who assembles vegetable and animal waste in a container called "composter" which, when chopped, mixed on the ground and watered, give rise over time to a dark and soft compound that enriches the soil.
The second, on the other hand, is the product of the stratification and decomposition of plant remains. There are numerous peat bogs in Italy and in the rest of the world: Iceland, Canada, New Zealand, the Netherlands, Germany, etc..
One last and repeated recommendation: when you buy soil you must have clear ideas about its use. Pause to read what is written on the package. Only then can you make the right choice.