What to plant in June

Sowing and Planting in the vegetable garden
Cabbages are sown in the nursery.
June is the ideal month for the sowing and theplanting of: basil, chard, carrot, thistle, cucumbers, chicory, endivia, beans, autumn lettuce, melons, parsley, rocket, escarole, salsify, pumpkin, zucchini.
Are trasplanted: aubergine, sweet pepers, celery and all the seedlings available in your nursery or on the market.
Sowing and Planting in the garden
In June it is sown in the nursery:alcea, ornamental cabbage, digitalis, gaillardia, poet's carnation, daisies. Furthermore, during this month, the following are sown: aster, clarkia, convolvulus, gypsophila, hypomea, petunia, phlox.
You can plant the bulbs of dahlie, gladioli e lilium and all the seedlings available in your nursery or on the market can be transplanted.
Harvesting of vegetables
In June, in the vegetable garden are available:si raccolgono: basil, beet, chard, carrot, cucumber, chicory, onion, beans, lettuce, aubergine, melons, sweet pepper, tomatoes, leek, parsley, radish, peas, wild radish, spinach
Chores in the vegetable gard and in the garden
In June it is good to weed the flowering plants, aerate the soil and, if necessary, weed it. Adjust the development of the hedges. Beware of the red spider on citrus fruits. Control parasites and fungal diseases: the necessary treatments must be done when the plant is not in bloom.
Treatments for the lawn
It would be good to do fungicide treatments at the first symptoms of infestation and weed on developed lawns.
Treatments for the Vine
In June, when the vine is in the phase of pre-flowering and growth of the berries. It would be advisable to treat against fungal diseases (Peronospora) and against moth and vine moth.
Treatments for the Orchard
In June in the orchard, the trees of the pear, apple and peach already have the fruits of the size of a walnut.Treatments are carried out against fungal diseases (Punctuation, Oidium, Brown spot) and against animal parasites (Carpocapsa, Embroiderers, Aphids, Pear Psylla).
Having entered the phase in which the fruit plants have developed fruits, it is advisable to carry out treatments against fungal diseases (Oidium, Brown spot) and against animal parasites (Carpocapsa, Embroiderers).
Read the iarticle on the importance of the moon phases in sowing:"How important are the phases of the moon for sowing in the vegetable garden?"
Chores in the vineyard
In the vineyard, in June, the cleaning of the stem from the reborn jets continues: the false shoots must be removed again from the shoots before the grapes bloom so that all the strength of the vine is dedicated to the fruit .
Chores in the cellar
June is the right month for to ventilate the premises with the morning air. Cleaning is recommended in general and especially the fillers in which the water "rots" due to the rise in temperature: this is avoided by dissolving a little sulfur in the water itself.