Valerian salad: one of the most cultivated winter vegetables. Its features and uses
The valerian salad: one of the most cultivated vegetables
Valerian, also known as “Valerianella” is one of the most cultivated herbaceous plant. In Italy it is not very widespread even if, in recent times it is much more present in supermarkets and in horticulture shops. Valerianella during its growth can reach a height that varies from 10 to 30 centimeters. The plant produces a rosette of elliptical leaves, of green color with one single central vein. The blossoming of this plants happens between april and may and the flowers are of a blue and white color.
The plant exists in two shapes, one wild one selected. The first grows in a spontaneous way and, even though it is not certified, it still is edible; it grows in particularly arid areas where, generally, not a lot of plants grow. Valerian salad - that which is planted and grows in vegetable gardens - exists in different shapes according to the area, or better the country, where it is grown for example, Italy, France and Holland.
The sowing of valerian
The sowing of valerian takes place in a limited period between spring and autumn.
The plant generally has an average life of two, three months max and the germination lasts even less, only one week. Basically, very short periods, balanced by a fast and abundant production.
The grower usually sows in a way as to have a crop that is always alive, then they sow in different periods so to have times in which a cultivation in its final phase, will be “replaced” from that who has just started sprouting. To check the cultivation and avoid losing precious time, generally valerian salad is cultivated in very well defined rows.
This also happens so that they can check the enormous production of pest plant that take over the fields and they need to be easily recognised, isolated and eradicated, much like what happens in all the types of field crops.
To avoid the formation of mold or other types of rot forming, it is important to avoid making very dense crops that don't help the plants breathe and take in the light. Valerian can be grown in boxes in balconies, following small measures that will favor its growth.
Fertilize and water
Fertilizing this plant further, after the sowing, it is not a useful operation as the same plant has a short life on average. The watering, instead, should be done carefully especially in the summer months where the sun and the high temperature, will dehydrate the soil that, on the contrary, must be always humid, to obtain the most luxuriant plants and leaf planters.
It is advisable to carry out this operation always early in the morning, before the sun is too high: this will prevent the growth of dangerous molds and excessive attacks from snails.
The advice is that of consuming fresh valerian! Avoid consuming the buttered one that loses many of its properties. Among these, we note the great presence of vitamin C and of iron, but also of calcium and phosphorus, all the elements are very important for the good health of each individual.
Valerian salad is a very useful vegetable, not hard to cultivate and produce, so much so that it is one of the most common crops in the world.
It is still very important to follow a few precise rules, so that you will achieve satisfying results and avoid ruining the crop.
This can be mined by a few external factors to avoid, or to still keep always under control, so as to avoid bad surprises.