Main properties of Goji
Goji berries are increasingly consolidating in the first position among superfoods. An element not to be overlooked is in fact that the portentous fruit has so far been the food with the highest content of two particular phytochemicals: carotenoid and ellagic acid, and it is these two elements that generously contribute to the properties of goji berries. and the benefits deriving from their hiring. In addition, goji berries have a very high vitamin content: 3 times more vitamin C than oranges, the highest vitamin B content of all fruits, more beta-carotene than the carrot from which it takes its name. There are also numerous minerals, including the exceptional content of iron, chromium and magnesium.
Stabilizes blood sugar: the use of goji berries is recommended during diets, in fact, thanks to the high content of vital substances, it gives a pleasant sense of satiety.
Stimulant of the immune system: thanks to its LBP polysaccharides it gives energy and support to the immune system.
Aphrodisiac: yet another property is related to the fact that it has earned a reputation as a fertility stimulant and also a tasty aphrodisiac.
Prevents the risk of heart attack: betaine helps reduce cardiovascular risk. Sterols and vegetable fatty acids support the correct function of cell membranes, flavonoids have an antioxidant efficacy and support the circulatory system, carotenoids also provide antioxidant efficacy as well as protecting the eyes.
Eye and skin protection: the 10 minerals contained have an antioxidant action, while the vitamins of groups A, B, C also have antioxidant efficacy, support the immune system and strengthen nails, skin and hair.
Anti-aging effect: it is in fact one of the richest fruits in antioxidants in the world. It has a very high ORAC value and for this reason it is one of the most appreciated superfruits in anti-aging medicine.