Turf species
Capillary agrostide

Botanical name: Agrostis capillaris
The capillary top forms a few rhizomes and only a few not very long stolons. It produces a dense gazon, adapts well to cold and wet conditions and prefers fertile, fine, moderately acidic or neutral soils. It loves neither drought nor weather that is too hot; in sandy soils it tends to take over other species, especially in high percentages of nitrogen. In admixture with the fescue rubra, it forms a carpet that is better than that planted with stoloniferous bits alone. In fact, this mixture needs less fertilization, scarification, chemical treatments and is less prone to attacks by fungal diseases. The capillary top can be cut very low (golf, green) and also shows, after cutting, an excellent recovery. Suitable for temperate climates.
Stoloniferous agrostide
Botanical name: Agrostis palustris
The stoloniferous agrostide has long and fine stolons, which emit roots at each node, thus developing a dense mantle.
It prefers highly fertile, acidic (pH 5.6-7) soils, which have good drainage and a good capacity to retain water. It needs strong fertilizations and humid environments. It tolerates low temperatures even if, in such conditions, it tends to lose its beautiful color, which returns to an intense green at the end of spring. It endures low and frequent cuts, suffers from felting easily and is susceptible to diseases.
To obtain a good quality carpet, the sea bass needs abundant irrigation, fertilization and fungicide treatments. Suitable for temperate climates.

Botanical name: Cynodon dactylon
It is used for all types of gazons in hot-humid and semi-arid areas. It prefers temperatures above 25 ° C, goes into quiescence at 16 ° C and takes on a brown color below 10 ° C. It does not tolerate shade, poor drainage, or high soil acidity. it is a very drought-resistant species, even if, to have a good lawn, it needs water and cannot be cultivated for long in arid areas without irrigation. Given its resistance to wear and its quick recovery, it is ideal for sports carpets. It must be sown when the soil is still warm enough, otherwise it will not germinate. to overcome the dormancy that this species manifests in the winter period, it tends to be sown mixed with the varieties of Poa pratensis that are more tolerant to winter. Suitable for tropical and subtropical climate.
Botanical name: Dichondra repens
Dichondra is a widely used species for gazon in temperate climates. It is grown in full sun or in the shade and does not require particular soils. It can be used to plant a whole turf of dichondra only or be used only for small areas that present cutting difficulties such as near avenues, in the avenues themselves or in places difficult to reach for maintenance. The dichondra is very popular especially because it cuts little, although it must be said that, if it is cut regularly, it looks even more beautiful. Furthermore, a regular cut inhibits the growth of any weeds. Suitable for temperate climates.
White dwarf clover

Botanical name: Trifolium repens
is a perennial legume that forms turf by means of branched stolons. The small-leaved varieties are slow-growing and form a great many stolons. for these characteristics they are very resistant and suitable for the formation of turf. Suitable for temperate climates.
Carpet grass
Botanical name: Axonopus affinis
It reproduces by rhizomes and stolons like Cynodon dactylon and forms a very dense and intrusive carpet. it is a species particularly suitable for hot-humid climates, sandy soils with low fertility and has no particular pedological needs. It has a very fine leaf, but is not very tolerant of shade and salinity, despite having good resistance to most diseases. Suitable for tropical and subtropical climate.

Botanical name: Cynosurus cristatus
Especially used for dry climates. It has good resistance to trampling, but does not like great heat in summer and does not like too harsh winter conditions. Suitable for temperate climates.
Bahia's Grass
Botanical name: Paspalum notamum
Perennial plant with deep root system, has good drought tolerance and forms an uneven rustic carpet. It must be cut high (5-8 cm) and has a good tolerance to wear and shade. Suitable for tropical and subtropical climate.
Red fescue

Botanical name: Festuca rubra spp.
The fescue rubra species is divided into 3 botanical subspecies:
1. Festuca rubra rubra
2. Festuca rubra commutata
3. Festuca rubra tricofilla
The common characteristics are the fineness of the leaf and the low maintenance they all need. They adapt well to the shade and poor, arid and slightly acid soils.
All subspecies are frequently used for ornamental mixtures and low maintenance lawns. The characteristics that differentiate them are:
* The Festuca rubra rubra is a rhizomatous species and does not tolerate too low cuttings.
* The Festuca rubra commutata is erbitosa, forms a very high density lawn and tolerates low cuts.
*Festuca rubra tricofilla is a rhizomatous plant that associates the qualities of F. commutata with those of F. rubra rubra such as, for example, good resistance to drought and trampling.
Suitable for temperate climates.
Arundinacea fescue
Botanical name: Festuca arundinacea
It is a species for hot and dry climates and has a strong resistance to trampling. Requires less irrigation than ryegrass. It is broad-leaved and fast-growing. Maintains a nice green color in drought conditions. Used in association with other species, the Festuca arundinacea must be in minimum percentages of 50%, given its slow and difficult settlement capacity. Suitable for temperate climates.
Ovine fescue
Botanical name: Festuca ovina duriuscola
Compared to other fescues, Festuca ovina has a good tolerance to heat, drought and fungal diseases, as well as a good adaptation to the shade.
It has a good tolerance to trampling and also to sowing in autumn
Haymaker of the meadows
Botanical name: Poa pratensis
Poa pratensis is one of the perennial species most suitable for the formation of lawns, thanks to its strong rhizomes. It has a rather slow settlement so that, often, it is useful to associate it with other species (eg perennial ryegrass). It bears frequent and deep cuts and is therefore suitable for sports facilities, gazons and the production of green clod carpets. It tolerates summer heat and winter cold well, has excellent persistence and good resistance to disease. Suitable for temperate climates.
Common bluegrass
Botanical name: Poa trivialis
It is a species for cold seasons, occasionally used for shade and in humid environments. It needs a lot of water and medium fertilization. It does not tolerate frequent cuts, nor great wear. Suitable for temperate climates.
Haywood of the woods 
Botanical name: Poa Nemoralis
It is a fine species that forms many rhizomes.
As the name implies, the Woodland hay is suitable for shady areas, but does not tolerate frequent cuts, nor too low.
This means that it is used in climate areas tempered for lawns that do not need great care and maintenance.
Suitable for temperate climates.
Botanical name: Pennisetum clandestinum
Perennial plant with vigorous stolons and rhizomes, suitable in tropical climates with heavy rain falls or arid climates with the possibility of abundant irrigation. Being very resistant to wear, it is used in playgrounds, running tracks and camping grounds. Multiplication by both seed and vegetative. Suitable for tropical climate.
English ryegrass
Botanical name: Lolium perenne
The perennial ryegrass is used above all for its varieties suitable for the formation of green carpets. it is a species characterized by excellent cutting tolerance, rapid development and easy establishment. It tolerates dry weather, but requires good maintenance (fertilization and frequent cutting). Recently, new cultivars have been selected which stand out for quality unthinkable until a few years ago such as: fineness of leaves, excellent density and resistance to trampling, good winter color, resistance to diseases, good tolerance to heat and drought. Suitable for temperate climates.