Mimosa Yellow Birds Feed


Things to know:

(super-soft yellow food for ornithology)

A correct, healthy and balanced diet is essential for the growth and well-being of your small hobby animals. The result of our many years of experience, MixtureBON PLUS is a balanced food, consisting of easily digestible and rigorously selected natural products that guarantee an adequate supply of vitamins and mineral salts to your parrots and your parakeets.

Thanks to the addition of bread and pasta products, MixtureBON PASTONCINO GIALLO MIMOSA adequately integrates the feed in order to compensate for any deficiencies deriving from a diet of only seeds. In this way it helps the animal to maintain a thick and healthy plumage, contributing to its robustness and good health even during the reproductive period.

COMPOSITION: products of the bread and pasta industry , cereals, stabilizing oils and fats, vegetable protein extracts, sugars, powdered egg white, niger seeds, yeasts, minerals, vitamins and natural flavors with antioxidants and dyes (EEC additives).