La coltivazione dei piselli: in orto o in vaso?

What is the best time to grow peas? The heat is not ideal for them, so it is preferable to choose the previous months and hurry. Drought, in fact, compromises its flavor and natural characteristics. Sweet and tender, peas are even better.

Growing peas in the vegetable garden

The Mediterranean diet is based on the spread of peas used for delicious dishes. To have legumes that are very tasty, it is necessary to follow strict rules when growing them.

There are multiple varieties of peas with different aesthetic and nutritional characteristics. Many think that the cultivation is the same as that of the common vegetables, but actually peas need particular care.

Although there are rules for both garden and pot growing, this activity is quite simple. Usually most people prefer the soil from the garden to the pot, as it has more space for the excellent growth of peas. For those who have a balcony, cultivation in pots can also achieve excellent results.

However, this option is not to be excluded, as it can satisfy those who want to sow vegetables with a sweet and fresh flavor.

First of all, you need to know that peas adapt to temperate climates. On the contrary, harmful factors are frost and excessive drought. If you want to create a garden that leads to the right results, it is important to plan the location thoroughly, in order to protect the peas during the hottest hours of the day.

The soil does not have to have particular characteristics, however it is better to buy a soft, airy and rather draining soil. Furthermore, the digging activity must be carried out several times, as the roots grow deeply and often even exceed one meter in height.

Growing in pots

If you have decided to grow your peas on your balcony or in your small area destined for the growing of vegetables, you must buy a container of adequate dimensions.

On the bottom you need to put a layer of gravel or shards so that the water can drain. Then you have to add soft and airy soil along with the compost. The preparation of the vases takes little time and can become really fun, if you choose colored pots of different shapes and heights. Your green area will become a spectacle. The sight of these vegetables overlooking the balcony is something incredible.

Dwarf varieties are mainly sown in the autumn season, as they need 4 or 5 degrees to germinate. To avoid stagnation of water, enemies of peas, it is necessary to make raised plots of at least 10 cm. The seed must be covered with about two cm of soil. The seedlings, on the other hand, must be spaced at least 10 cm from each other. Their growth must be carefully controlled and, when they reach about ten cm, they must be supported by supports to make them climb.

After a hundred days from sowing, after checking the correct degree of ripeness, the peas can be harvested. You can help yourself with a tenderometer that allows you to check their hardness. Professional agronomists use more specialized tools and know the timing of the harvest very well. In the family environment, it is sufficient to check the consistency: if the peas are crunchy, they can be collected and stored for use in the kitchen.

Diseases and parasitic attacks are harmful elements for both garden cultivation and pot cultivation. It would be a shame to underestimate these enemies and end up with a damaged crop. In the sowing and growth phase it is essential to respect the rules and advice, if you are a novice.

These vegetables so rich in simple sugars are the basis in many dishes of Italian cuisine.

August 23, 2019 — Alias Srl