Weed killer: everything you need to know for the best maintenance of your green space
In the act of applying herbicide, apparently a very simple task, there are several precautions that every nature lover should always keep inn mind to treat in the best way their beloved plants, fruit of their passion and love for nature.
First, we must make sure that the plants will absorb the herbicide substance against weeds as much as possible. The best way to be sure of this, is to carry out the treatment during the phase in which the plant has a wider conformation of leaves, in reference to its development.
We are referring to the period of maximum growth of the plant, which is between March and may.
Another fundamental foresight to have is to never carry out the treatment during months characterized by drought, as it is the weeds themselves that are hindered in development, and therefore the treatment would prove useless.
For this purpose, the advice is to start watering the plant with the due intensity at least a couple of days before the treatment, and always during the period previously indicated.
Let's now move on to another trick: always avoid for the sprinkles of herbicide to reach even the plants that do not require this method and which would actually prove detrimental to them (with regard to the various plants to grow in the vegetable garden or in the garden). This means that you will have to make sure that the treatment is applied during non windy days , therefore with very stable meteorological conditions.
On this last point, a consideration spontaneously arises: the interested area of the plant could be in close contact with that of another plant, on which the herbicide treatment should not be applied. In which case, all that remains is to adequately protect said plant with a consistent layer of paper; alternatively, it would be a great idea to take a bottle, having a cylindrical shape, big enough, and cut it at the top and at the bottom, so that you will obtain a protective cylindrical object that can be placed be placed around the nozzle. If weeds, as it often happens, have become entangled with other nearby plants, not recipients of the herbicide sprays, you will have to unroll them gently, without damaging them. Then, before treating the plant with herbicide, we will have to break the stems, in order to make the product itself penetrate more quickly and efficiently.
It is suggested to use a systemic herbicide, for example with a Glyphosate base.
It is also necessary to keep children and pets at a suitable distance during spraying, until the sprayed product has dried perfectly.
But, even once it’s dried, it is necessary to pay further and particular attention: certain herbicide products, in fact, can be factors in the alteration of sugars in the plant, increasing its desirability by certain domestic animals such as bunnies, turtles, guinea pigs. These little friends, therefore, must be allowed to enter the affected area, only after the death of the weeds.
Back to the type of herbicide product, without a shadow of a doubt, the herbicides already prepared for use are the best, requiring no mixtures and dosages and distinguishing themselves for their ease of use.
If the area to be treated is relatively small, or it is a specific weed, the spray we are going to choose must be of small size too (one liter). Viceversa, for larger areas, we will opt for concentrated solutions to be diluted in water and thus be able to spray them with dispensers.
For more ease, a “ non residual” herbicide is advised, that doesn't leave residues on the ground. The last precaution to have when caring for lawns is this: if we want to obtain the best results on our lawn, we must pay attention and carry out the treatment in the presence of sufficient soil moisture , between the end of spring and the beginning of summer, a period which also coincides with that of the greatest development for weeds..
If the weeds are underdeveloped, due to their conformation, from the point of view of the foliage, it is advisable, of course, to purchase a herbicide that is as penetrating as possible, to always be sprayed in the period of maximum growth of the weeds.
Remember that the market always offers the most suitable varieties of herbicide for our case: for narrow-leaved weeds, as well as for broad-leaved weeds. In the case of the lawn, it is advisable not to mow it for a few days , both before and after the application of the treatment, always with the ultimate aim of guaranteeing the optimal absorption of the herbicide product.