Blue and red agent for your hydrangeas: why and how to use them
Cultivation of Hydrangeas
Hydrangeas are shrubby plants that are very often found in gardens: since they prefer shady places or half-shade exposure, these flowers can also be planted under trees and in shady corners. In fact, the direct rays of the sun can damage the leaves. They are also characterized by large inflorescences with bright colors and abundant flowering. To have well-developed hydrangeas, however, they need to be given some care: in this way they will be perfect. First of all it is necessary to carry out regular and frequent summer watering, while the fertilization takes place only once in spring, using specific products for this kind of plants.
Once a week it is necessary to add liquid fertilizer based on potassium mixed with water: in this way the flowers and leaves have more intense colors. The pruning is very important: if it is done incorrectly, flowering is stunted or even missed.
There are several varieties of hydrangea, which are distinguished both by the climbing or shrubby trend and by the shape of the leaves and the color of the flowers: in fact the colors available in nature are white, pale pink and intense pink. Typically the flowers appear in June and last until September.
How to get blue hydrangeas
Hydrangeas are ornamental shrubs that are also very popular on balconies.
To obtain an even more spectacular effect, it is often decided to plant hydrangeas with blue or light-blue flowers: in the language of flowers they are a symbol of ardent and passionate love. Generally it is not a natural color, but obtained through specific interventions: in fact the color change is caused by the characteristics of the soil.
Hydrangeas need fresh soil, with a high content of peat and organic substances. However, if you want light-blue flowers, the soil must be extremely acidic and with a pH with a notable aluminum content and no higher than 7 . It is precisely this metal that causes the blue pigmentation of the hydrangea.
Furthermore, it must be kept in mind that the color of the flowers is also linked to the genetic characteristics of the specimen: consequently it can happen that the blue hydrangeas planted become pale pink. For this reason it is necessary to correct the composition of the soil: generally blue coloring for hydrangeas is used, but it is also possible to opt for the administration of iron chelate and then sequestrene fertilizer to have an acid soil.
Blue coloring for Hydrangeas: how to use it
Using blue coloring for hydrangeas is the best way to have beautiful light-blue flowers.
Not only does this product sere to change the color of the inflorescences, but it ensures that it remains unchanged over time. The bluing agent for hydrangeas has a very high content of aluminium sulphate and is found in the form of powder in all garden centers or in specialized phyto pharmacies.
It is administered directly into the soil a few weeks before the flowering phase begins (usually in May), following the instructions on the package regarding doses. The best results are obtained with an already acidic soil with potted plants; alternatively, it is good to administer iron chelate together with the bluing agent for hydrangeas. this is also a necessary precautions to protect the plants from chlorosis.
This is especially tru if you decide to transform red or pink hydrangeas into light-blue specimens: this promotes the absorption of the blueing agent for hydrangeas. In any case, the plant should be watered using the non-calcareous water. To prevent the flowers from returning to their original color or the light-blue form losing its intensity, it is recommended to administer the product 2-3 times during spring, before flowering.
This applies to garden-grown specimens.
Red coloring for Hydrangeas
Red coloring for hydrangeas instead it is a product to be administered to plants to make the pink or red color of the flowers more intense.
In addition you can have purple inflorescences. Based on calcium sulphate, the red agent is added to neutral soil in order to raise pH. in fact, its function is to provide calcium during the vegetative phase or during planting.